St. Anthony's has always been a parish centered in a rich prayer life both as a parish and as individual members of the Body of Christ. We offer a number of ways for you to pray with us, as an individual, or to ask for prayers when you need them:
Healing Prayer— We offer prayer by the tabernacle after weekend Masses for you or your loved ones. We can also arrange for a clergy member or parishioner to come to your home to pray with you.
Prayer Network –Share your needs and concerns with this network of prayer. Feel free to call or email with any intention you or a loved one may have. Requests are gathered and disbursed through a system of prayer volunteers. Please contact Stefanie in the church office.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – If you or someone you know could use the comfort of a prayer shawl, please contact Deacon Rick or Pat Koski for a shawl prayerfully made by members of the St. Anthony’s Assumption Group and parish.
Prayer for Vocations - Join the Vocations Committee every Thursday at 7:00 pm to pray a Rosary in the church asking for more holy vocations to the priesthood in our Diocese
St. Monica Prayer Group - Join parents in our parish in praying for our children, young and adult.