If you're considering becoming Catholic, or a Catholic who never received First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, then the RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) might be for you.
RCIA classes are held at our parish when needed. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults introduces adults to the teachings of the Catholic Church, the Bible, and the Sacramental Life. Although specifically designed for those thinking about becoming Catholic, this program is also suited for Catholics wanting to learn more about the teachings of the Church, and for others who are just wondering what the Catholic Church is all about.
RCIA prepares men and women to make a conscious choice whether or not they want to receive the sacraments of initiation offered by the Catholic Church (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation). If you wish to become involved with RCIA, please contact the parish office to schedule a meeting.
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained Too often we try to live a faith we don't know or understand. Some of us stumble along with it, going through the motions. Others simply walk away. That's why the time is right for Symbolon: Knowing the Faith. Presented by the most trusted and compelling teachers and filmed around the world with stunning cinematography, Symbolon: Knowing the Faith explains the essentials of the Catholic Faith in a way that will inform our minds and inspire our hearts. Presented in ten sessions that are ideal for parish catechism, family instruction, and personal devotion.